Typical customers
Home Typical customers Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Source:Shanghai Jingxin

At the end of the year, I visited the laboratories of new and old customers. I saw that the Jingxin automatic sample rapid grinder, which was stationed in the Second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical Hospital a year ago, still sticks to its position in the Rainbow Laboratory. I think it is inexplicably cute.

I paid a return visit to the teachers. It is generally reported that the instrument is very convenient to use, and it has indeed solved many sample processing problems. Moreover, the instrument is now placed in a public laboratory. Every day, the full automatic sample grinder is responsible for the arduous handling of a large number of samples. Tasks, the teachers said that they did not expect domestic instruments to be so strong

Take a picture of it when it is parting, and feel that its due diligence and its persistence in the post are the biggest encouragement to the Shanghai Jingxin brand. We do continue to work hard on product experience and quality to strive for perfection.

I hope that Shanghai Jingxin can help more scientific research workers' experimental operations~