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Home Typical customers Research Center of Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University
Research Center of Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University
Source:Shanghai Jingxin

The General Surgery Laboratory of the Research Center of Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine often suffers from the harsh requirements of the glands for grinding conditions when processing samples such as gallbladder and pancreas, and cannot obtain ideal processed samples. This greatly increases the difficulty of the research process.

Shanghai Jingxin’s cryo-grinding machine has the characteristics of fast speed, controllable low temperature, and high throughput in processing samples. Even if it is processing tissues rich in various enzymes such as gallbladder and pancreas, it can easily complete sample grinding while maintaining sample composition. It is not destroyed, which fully meets the experimental requirements of the laboratory.

After comparing a number of grinder products, the laboratory immediately locked the JXFSTPRP series cryogenic grinder of Shanghai Jingxin.

The reason why Shanghai Jingxin's grinding machine can be fully recognized by users depends on its four major advantages:

1: Grinding of 2*24, 2*48, 4*96 samples within 1 minute, shorter time and faster operation

Two: It can be frozen or ground at room temperature, providing various grinding conditions!

Three: The special three-dimensional integrated oscillation mode can crush the sample in all directions!

Four: When the grinding machine is working, there is no noise or shaking, which protects the experimental environment